| List of CEC members for the term 2025-27 (Last Update: 03-02-2025) |
 | List of the Office bearers of the federation for the term 2025-27 (Last Update: 24-01-2025) |
 | BPMS demands to Expedite the implementation of the National Litigation Policy. (Last Update: 01-10-2024) |
 | DEmand for Grant of Modified Field Area Allowance (CMFAA) to Defence Civilian Employees. (Last Update: 06-09-2024) |
 | Clarification sought on CCS Leave Rules, 1972 regarding Conversion of Half Pay Leave upto 03 days without Medical Certificate to Commuted Leave. (Last Update: 05-04-2024) |
 | BPMS demands to restart Compassionate Ground Appointment in Ordnance Factories (Last Update: 24-03-2024) |
 | Simplification of Rules regarding Compassionate Ground appointments in case of missing employees. (Last Update: 24-03-2024) |
 | BPMS demands Issuance of Identity/Authorization Cards for CS(MA) Beneficiaries.. (Last Update: 17-03-2024) |
 | Submission of Concerns Regarding Delay in Cadre Review for CSS Officers (Last Update: 05-03-2024) |
 | Notional Extension of Supreme Court verdict in favour of similarly placed Non-petitioner employees. (Last Update: 21-01-2024) |
 | BPMS demands for granting of annual increment on retirement on 30th June or 31st December retrospectively, I.e. 30.06.2006 onwards (Last Update: 21-01-2024) |
 | Request for Review of Decision on Dearness Allowance Arrears for Covid period. (Last Update: 20-01-2024) |
 | Prior Intimation - Agitation Programme for Conversion of NPS to OPS and Constitution of 08th CPC (Last Update: 28-12-2023) |
 | Leave Encashment for Re-employed Ex-Servicemen (PBORs). (Last Update: 28-12-2023) |
 | Updated List of CEC Members of the federation (Last Update: 25-07-2023) |
 | Invitation for Views on Rectifying Anomalous Situation in Disciplinary Proceedings and Departmental Promotion Committee (Last Update: 29-06-2023) |
 | MoD OM regarding granting of Increment on reirement. (Last Update: 29-06-2023) |
 | Request for Intervention Regarding Delayed Promotion of Master Craftsman in EME under MoD. (Last Update: 08-06-2023) |
 | Resolutions adopted in CEC meeting Pune (Last Update: 08-06-2023) |
 | BPMS demands Cashless Treatment Facilities for Serving Central Government Employees covered under CGHS or CS(MA) Rules, 1944 (Last Update: 22-05-2023) |
 | BPMS demands Constitution of a Commission/Expert Committee to remove the disparity in pay scales of Assistants in CSS and lower formations in Min of Defence (Last Update: 13-05-2023) |
 | Benefit of central Government Employees Group Insurance on Re-Classification of posts according to Grade Pay of Master Craftsman. (Last Update: 13-05-2023) |
 | Demand for Refund of Penal Interest on LTC Claims (Last Update: 24-04-2023) |
 | Minimum Qualifying Service for promotion from SK to HS-II, HS-II to HS-I and HS-I to MCM of Industrial Cadre. (Last Update: 21-04-2023) |
 | Reforms in AHSP to further promote ease of doing business.. (Last Update: 21-04-2023) |
 | Welfare issues for immediate resolution in HVF Avadi (Last Update: 19-04-2023) |
 | Membership Verification of ‘MES Workers Uplift Union’ in CWE Lucknow (Last Update: 18-04-2023) |
 | Non-functioning of Sparsh Pension Portal in HQ CWE Pathankot (Last Update: 18-04-2023) |
 | Granting of Annual Increment on retirement: Notional Extension of Supreme Court verdict in favour of similarly placed Non-petitioner employees. (Last Update: 18-04-2023) |
 | Demand for Enhancement in Authorized strength of Industrial Personnel in CWE Jaipur. (Last Update: 17-04-2023) |
 | Request for change in workinhg hours of HQMC, HQ MC(U) and its lodger units. (Last Update: 17-04-2023) |
 | Minutes of the meeting with Reps of AOC Service Associations (Last Update: 28-03-2023) |
 | Unfair Practices in LDCE in Ordnance Factory Itarsi. (Last Update: 28-03-2023) |
 | Agenda points for Introductory meeting with Secy, Ministry of finance. (Last Update: 27-03-2023) |
 | BPMS demands before MoD to resolve the grievances, call for agitation. (Last Update: 01-03-2023) |
 | BPMS demands for one more chance in excersing of option under FR22(1)(a)(1). (Last Update: 01-03-2023) |
 | BPMS demands for the Enhancement of Fixed Medical Allowance(FMA). (Last Update: 01-03-2023) |
 | Bpms lodges complaint before CVC against the Master General of Sustenance/Proc(GS&C) (Last Update: 01-02-2023) |
 | BPMS demands Extension of Night Duty Allowance to erstwhile Group-D employees working under RTS& D under DGRVS/Army HQ (Last Update: 24-01-2023) |
 | Inclusion of central government employees selected against the vacancies issued / notified and advertised prior to 01/01/2004 under cCS (pension) Rules1972-Regarding (Last Update: 16-12-2022) |
 | Agenda Points for Pre-Budget meeting between Finance Minister and BMS (Last Update: 23-11-2022) |
 | Demand to protect Defence PSU's- Letter to Defence Minister. (Last Update: 19-11-2022) |
 | Copy of Memorandum( to be submitted by all local unions ) on Post Corporatization problems, hardships and difficulties being faced by the Defence Civilian Employees of 41 Ordnance Factories who are on deemed deputation. (Last Update: 01-11-2022) |
 | PROTEST WEEK IN 41 ORDNANCE FACTORIES FROM 31.10.2022 TO 04.11.2022 (Last Update: 21-10-2022) |
 | Demand for Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus to the employees Ordnance Factories02021-22 (Last Update: 26-09-2022) |
 | Demand for Inclusion of HRA, Transport Allowance, SFA for the purpose of calculating Overtime Allowance under the Factories Act, 1948. (Last Update: 26-07-2022) |
 | 100 days agitation against Corporaitization/Privaitization. (Last Update: 14-06-2022) |
 | Memorandum to PM: Scrap NPS restore OPS (Last Update: 06-05-2022) |
 | GENC raises voice against Gross mismanagement of the MoD's SPARSH system for Pensioners. (Last Update: 05-05-2022) |
 | 19th Triennial Conference of BPMS at Armapur Degree College Kanpur (Last Update: 10-03-2022) |